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Motorbikes tour in Vietnam

Northern West      Western     Eastern    Central    Southern    Mountain trails 


 Flexible travel solution by road in Vietnam, we offer rental affiliate connection  over 200 motorbikes on the road from Northern to Southern of Vietnam  at any given time. Most our motorbikes of the models that we believe are the best in the country for the job of traveling Vietnam. Nam Thai has a wide network of contacts for helping travelers in distress, there is nothing we haven’t dealt with when it comes to driving this spectacular country.

44478113_2157546220935836_6345303645667459072_oWe work with the best freelance leading guides . Each guide we work with specializes in a specific task. We have an experience advise  for all driving styles. An unique and bespoke to ensuring everything in these tours stays truly were protected by our guides and their routes from the mass market.

72912650_2767256356631483_2379744651755126784_oTime to explore most beautiful road in Red River Delta to trails up to Northern West, down to Ho Chi Minh trails along Truong Son mountain and far to Eastern coast line, head to the Southern with most attractive town and villages. Culture, life, scenery through your photo capture with enjoy road side and mountain curves.


crf1Noted :

Motocycle from 125 -250cc         : Average speed 50km/h   Slower, tired with small bike.

Motocycle from 250- 400cc         : Average speed 70km/h   Faster, more relax.

Motocycle from 400cc above      : Average speed 90-100km/h  Excellence ride, control speed as your wish.